Dino Alfier - Curriculum vitae

Personal details

Date of birth: 26 April 1973
Nationality: Italian
Residence: England


Ph.D. (AHRC-funded)
A Metaethical Study of Simone Weil's Notion of Attention through Critical Practical Analogy
University of the Arts London

M.A. Fine Art: Painting (AHRB-funded)
Wimbledon College of Art, London

B.A. Studio Art and Art History
Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge


August 2012: Art on Fire, Camberwell Space, London

December 2011: Manual Setting, Wimbledon Space, London

February 2011: Manual Setting, Danielle Arnaud Contemporary Art, London

December 2009: Attending: A Celebration of Simone Weil's Thought, Ashford International Station, Kent

October 2009: Graduate School Exhibition, Wimbledon College of Art, London

April-May 2009: Gayliana: Isle of Idle, Residency, Centre for Drawing, London

May 2008: MindSpace, Ruskin Gallery, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge

February 2008: Acts Actions, Cafe Gallery Projects, London

December 2007: is capable of not not-being, Centre for Drawing, Wimbledon College of Art, London

July 2007: In the Playground of Being, Chelmsford Civic Theatre, Essex

January 2007: What are feelings for?, Centre for Drawing, Wimbledon College of Art, London

April 2006 - March 2007: Space Between (touring exhibition), Slimbridge Wildlife and Wetlands Trust, Gloucestershire;
Brewhouse Theatre, Taunton; Holton Lee Arts Centre, Dorset; Salisbury Library & Galleries

November 2004: The Discerning Eye, Mall Galleries, London

November 2004: reoccupy, Candid Arts Trust, London

August 2004: Best of Wimbledon, A Gallery, Wimbledon, London

July 2004: Extension, Wimbledon College of Art, London

May 2004: Intermissions, Space 44, Hackney Wick, London

June 2002: Isthmus, Anglia Polytechnic University, Cambridge

March 2002: Show Off, Henry's Café, Cambridge

June 2001: APU Sculpture Exhibition, Parkside Community College, Cambridge


June 2013: Art Ethics Seminar 2: Habit: Michael Asher, Claire Copley Gallery, Los Angeles, 1974, Aid and Abet, Cambridge

May 2013: Art Ethics Seminar 1: Responsibility: Marina Abramovic’s Rhythm 0, 1974, Aid & Abet, Cambridge

December 2010: Necessarily Selfless Action: an Enactment of Simone Weil’s Notion of Attention as a Practice of Detachment through Observational Drawing, Contemplations of the Spiritual in Contemporary Art, Liverpool Cathedral

April 2010: The mismatch between ethical feelings and ethical judgements in Ludwig Wittgenstein's "Lecture on Ethics", Wimbledon College of Art, London

June 2009: Speaking/Writing About Drawing, SIN PODIUM: Speaking of Writing, University of Reading

May 2009: Attention, Contradiction and Detachment, Simone Weil Symposium: That Attention Be A Looking, Institut Français, London

April 2009: Taming Proteus Today: Art and Attention in Simone Weil, 29th Annual Colloquy of the American Weil Society, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville

November 2008: La critique Weilienne de la science contemporaine et le Book of Dust d'Agnes Dene, Colloque Simone Weil et la science, Paris

May 2008: On practice-based research, Camberwell College of Arts, London

January 2008: The ethics of drawing, Royal College of Art, London

November 2007: What is practice?, Wimbledon College of Art, London

June 2007: Attending drawing, Wimbledon College of Art, London

February 2007: Reflections on two drawings, Pembroke College, University of Cambridge

January 2007: Dino Alfier and Paul Ryan in conversation on the semeiotics of C. S. Peirce, Wimbledon College of Art, London


Alfier, D. (2011) Critical Practical Analogy: A Research Tool for Reflecting and Making, Journal of Research Practice, 7(1), Article P3

Alfier, D. (2010) Where there is nothing, read that I love you: Simone Weil's 'Attention' and the art of perception, Indigo, 2, pp34-41

Alfier, D. (2009) Il valore dell'arte in S. Weil e Agnes Denes, Prospettiva Persona N. 67/09, pp40-43

Alfier, D. & Newman A. (Ed.) (2009) The Centre for Drawing Project Space - Notes 07, London, The Centre for Drawing

Alfier, D. (2009) La critique weilienne de la science contemporaine et le Book of Dust d'Agnes Denes, Cahiers Simone Weil, Tome XXXII-No 3, pp351-358

Alfier, D. (2009) Bâton de l'aveugle, Cahiers Simone Weil, Tome XXXII-No 3, pp359-362


Kentish Express, 3/12/09

Hill, E. Your Ashford, 23/10/09

Lennon, S. Kentish Express, 22/10/09


2003: Arts and Humanities Research Board Postgraduate Award

2007: Arts and Humanities Research Council Postgraduate Award

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